EU-Funded Spotlight Initiative Strengthens Protections for Children in NCD, through UNICEF’s partnership with OCFS and NCDC
20 January 2022
Staff of the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) and National Office of Child and Family Services (NOCFS) have met to progress a significant development in the protection of children and women in NCD.
Through the EU-Funded Spotlight Initiative, UNICEF is supporting NOCFS in strengthening protection services at the sub-national level through the implementation of the Lukautim Pikinini Act 2015. This support is one of many activities conducted to bridge the gaps between policy and practice and end violence against children and women in Papua New Guinea.
NCDC and OCFS teams conducted a workshop to agree on a roadmap to implement the LPA, whose first step is the transfer of social welfare services and statutory functions from the NOCFS to NCDC, enabling improved mechanisms to prevent and respond to incidences of child and family violence and abuse.
Representatives from NCDC and NOCFS are eager to ensure that not only the functions are successful transferred but also the provincial engagement efforts for smooth implementation of the LPA.
“Protection is a priority for NCD Governor’s Office, and we would like to support the transition from NOCFS to NCDC,” said Ms. Immaculate Javia, First Secretary from Office of the Governor of NCD.
“This occasion is very important,” said NCDC Director of Social Services, Ms Janet Haua. “The presentations from NOCFS has clarified what the services and functions is all about. We have some ideas about that roles, responsibilities, the tasks that will be required for the smooth transition. However, we will still require the support of NOCFS to learn more and ensure the functions are grounded. We will also require ongoing support for the Commission to implement the LPA in its totality. We (NCDC) will need to learn as much as we can.”
National OCFS Director and CEO Mr Simon Yanis led participants through the evolution of the Lukautim Pikinini Act and associated protections, noting that the decentralization of Social Services functions to NCDC could be a model for wider decentralisation of child protection services.
“Implementation of the law must be grounded in the city,” he said. “Then we can take this as an example to other provinces.”
He said that Enga Province has already established their Provincial Child & Family Services Council and the Council has called for support in the drafting of their provincial by-laws so that they can work towards strengthening the Child Protection systems and to ensure services are accessible for children and families in Enga Province.
“The LPA is the ears, eyes, and hands of the children and families of Papua New Guinea,” said Mr Yanis. “This transfer shows we are serious and are committed to implementing the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and all relevant human rights treaties pertaining children and women.”
This activity is funded by the European Union under the Spotlight Initiative to end violence against women and children. Under Spotlight, UNICEF is leading in strengthening institutions and the service providers to realise implementation of the Lukautim Pikinini Act, and enabling our communities safer for every child and woman.