United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2024 - 2028

The UNSDCF is essential for planning and implementing the UN’s development activities at the country level to support achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The UNSDCF Papua New Guinea 2024-2028 articulates the UN’s collective framework for assisting Papua New Guinea towards achieving key Sustainable Development Goals and advancing the humanitarian development-peace nexus. The UNSDCF is a partnership framework agreement with the Government of Papua New Guinea, outlining how UN entities will work together, and in partnership with broader society and other development partners, to benefit Papua New Guinea. At its core is a commitment to the guiding principles of: Leaving no one behind Human rights-based approach to development Gender equality and women’s empowerment Resilience Sustainability Accountability. The UNSDCF will drive gender equality for women and girls; strengthen governance, peace and social cohesion; ensure human development is increasingly inclusive; and ensure that the economy is transformative and sustainable. The UNSDCF will support increasingly sustainable environmental management and the mitigation of the harmful effects of climate change.