Hela Governor Undialu Announces 10 Million Kina Support to UN's Highlands Joint Programme
12 March 2020
During a visit to Tari in Hela Province on Tuesday, Amina J Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) and UN Resident Coordinator Gianluca Rampolla received from Governor of Hela Province, Hon. Philip Undialu, and witnessed by Prime Minister Hon. James Marape a contribution to support the UN's new Highlands Joint Programme.
Caption: During a visit to Tari in Hela Province, Amina J Mohammed, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and UN Resident Coordinator Gianluca Rampolla received from Governor of Hela Province, Hon. Philip Undialu, and witnessed by Prime Minister Hon. James Marape a contribution to support the UN's new Highlands Joint Programme. This contribution, 10 million kina, marks the first time a provincial government has financially contributed to UN work. The UN through the support of bilateral donors, the peacebuilding fund and the Spotlight Initiative will match these resources with an additional 25 million kina.
This contribution of 10 million kina, marks the first time a provincial government has financially contributed to the UN’s work. The UN through the support of bilateral donors, the UN’s Peacebuilding Fund and the Spotlight Initiative will match these resources with an additional 20 million kina.
The investment will contribute to activities in line with the Hela Provincial Government’s key priority areas. Activities funded through this contribution will include enhancing small-holder commercial agriculture, improving local community infrastructures, providing safe markets, supporting conflict mediation and recovery, and other peacebuilding activities. These will be implemented in Hela Province over the next three years.
Tuesday’s announcement follows the commitment by the UN at the Hela Peace and Development Workshop in October 2019 to work in close partnership with the Hela Provincial Government to meet priorities outlined in the Hela Road Map for Peace and Development.
About the Highlands Joint Programme for Peace and Development
The UN Highlands Joint Programme for Peace and Development is a response to strong government demand and community feedback to:
1. Support creation of peaceful and enabling conditions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Highlands;
2. Catalyse greater investments in equitable and sustainable human development activities;
3. Support local aspirations for inclusive peace and sustainable development.
Working in close collaboration and partnership with provincial and sub-provincial governments, civil society, development and humanitarian actors and private sector, this peacebuilding programme will focus on supporting women and youth in playing greater roles in peacebuilding; strengthening community resilience and local disaster risk management; enhancing social cohesion between communities; supporting the rule of law; as well as supporting community and local leadership’s capacity to deliver inclusive services.
The Highlands Joint Programme, led technically by UNDP will bring together FAO, IOM, UNCDF, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN Women to jointly foster development and peace in Hela and Southern Highlands provinces with potential to expand to Enga province. The programme will be implemented over three years, from 2020 to 2022.
UN Papua New Guinea
UN entities involved in this initiative
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Organization for Migration
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women