United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2018 - 2022

The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2018-2022 outlines the partnership between the United Nations (UN) and the Government of Papua New Guinea in support of the 2030 Agenda, and is rooted in national development priorities. The resulting support will be focused in the below four Outcome areas, which in turn are grounded in the key elements of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that underpin the achievement of the Government’s Vision 2050. Under the Framework, the UN’s work in Papua New Guinea is divided into four clusters. Within these four clusters, the UN has identified a set of priority inter-agency ‘outcomes’ for its work that will make particular use of the UN’s strategic knowledge, expertise and networks.
People: Inclusive Human Development & Equitable Services. By 2022, people in Papua New Guinea especially the most marginalized and vulnerable have enhanced and sustained utilization of quality and equitable services, food security and social protection.

Prosperity: Inclusive & Sustainable Growth. By 2022, all people in Papua New Guinea, including marginalized and vulnerable populations, benefit from shared prosperity and contribute to growth and development that is equitable, inclusive and sustainable.

Planet: Sustainable management of natural resources, biodiversity conservation, strengthened climate & disaster resilience. By 2022, Papua New Guinea demonstrates improved performance in managing environmental resources and risks emanating from climate change and disasters.

Peace: Promoting Inclusive, Governance, Justice & Peace. By 2022, Government and non-governmental institutions demonstrate improved transparency, accountability, delivery of justice and promotion of peace and security.