Signing of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2024-2028
30 August 2023
The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Papua New Guinea was officially signed today, by Mr Koney Samuel, Acting Secretary of the DNPM on behalf of the Government of Papua New Guinea and Mr Richard Howard, Resident Coordinator, on behalf of the United Nations in Papua New Guinea.
The United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/72/279sets the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF or the Cooperation Framework) as ‘the most important planning and implementation instrument for the UN Development System at country level’.
Under the current Cooperation Framework (UNDAF) 2018 – 2023, the United Nations delivered programs worth US$500 million over the past five years to advance peace, human development, prosperity and environmental sustainability. We are very grateful to the Government of PNG and our development partners for the collaboration and partnership.
The new generation Cooperation Framework 2024-2028 is a commitment of the United Nations to continue supporting the Government and people of Papua New Guinea, focusing on the most vulnerable and marginalized populations. It is also a commitment of the UN agencies to deliver our programs in a much more coherent and integrated manner. The five strategic priorities of the Cooperation Framework 2024 – 2028 are:
Equality for Women and Girls;
Governance, Peace, and Social Cohesion;
Inclusive Human Development
Sustainable Economic Transformation, and
Environment and Climate Change.
The Cooperation Framework will support PNG in accelerating its SDGs achievement, as well as contribute to the achievement of PNG’s Vision 2050 and the MTDP IV.
“In addition to the 19 UN agencies that have signed the Cooperation Framework and will be responsible for its implementation, the UN will tap into the technical expertise and resources available across the UN system to deliver on our commitments”, said Mr Richard Howard, the UN Resident Coordinator.
Howard said, “We are looking forward to our continued partnership with the Government, development partners and all other stakeholders”.
Department of National Planning and Monitoring, Acting Secretary, Mr. Koney Samuel, acknowledged the more than 40 years of partnership with the UN and appreciate the UN’s responsiveness to emerging needs of PNG.
“We are happy with the Cooperation Framework outcomes that are well aligned with the MTDP IV strategic priorities”, said Mr. Samuel.
The Regional Director for the UN Development Coordination Office for the Asia Pacific Region, Mr. David MacLachlan, was in country for the occasion.
Mr. MacLachlan said, “This signing again marks a new chapter of the UN’s commitment for the next five (5) years”.
The signing of the UNSDCF was witnessed by the UN Country Team and the Media.
Background on the UNSDCF development process
The 2024–2028 UNSDCF was developed through a collaborative process involving analysis, consultation, and strategic prioritization.
Using the Common Country Analysis, the United Nations analyzed the PNG context in terms of Governance and institutions, Economic transformation, financial landscape, Environment and climate change, social exclusion, and the Humanitarian-development-peace nexus to identify the development challenges facing the country as well as the opportunities for accelerating PNG's development trajectory.
From September to November of 2022, the United Nations met with several key populations, including youth, women, and internally displaced persons, as well as key organizations, including civil society organizations and the labour tripartite, to hear from these partners on the way forward, including the identification of the UN's work priorities in PNG.
We consulted with the government and development partners in February 2023 to articulate the strategic outcomes of the 2024-2028 Cooperation Framework.
Through this process, the United Nations has ensured that its work program in Papua New Guinea over the next five years is aligned with the MTDP IV and Vision 2050, so it remains a critical strategic development partner to the government and people of Papua New Guinea.