Common Country Analysis 2023 Update

The Common Country Analysis (CCA) 2023 update provides a detailed overview of Papua New Guinea’s (PNG’s) development achievements and needs from social, economic, governance, and environmental perspectives. It incorporates the 2022 update of the 2021 CCA and contains data and information, where available, until December 2023. The CCA update thoroughly examines the underlying and structural issues affecting the lives and livelihoods of Papua New Guineans. It highlights the potential risks that could emerge from these integrated factors.
In July 2023, the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) launched its Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP) IV 2023-2027. The MTDP IV incorporates 12 strategic priority areas (SPAs), supported by Deliberate Intervention Programs, and is aligned with the work programs of the national and subnational governments and development partners in PNG.