Call for Proposals: Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund & Spotlight Initiative Partnership

The Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund, in partnership with the Spotlight initiative, has announced funding is available for eligible organisations in PNG. This call for proposal is designed to offer institutional support to build organizational resilience and funding for flexible programme activities that respond to the new realities of COVID-19.
The focus of the WPHF Spotlight call will be on local civil society organizations working on gender specific protection issues and violence against women and girls in peace and security and humanitarian contexts. Special attention will be provided to applications supporting women and girls multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, such as those marginalized and excluded due to poverty, ethnicity, disability, age, geography, migratory status, HIV status, among others, which is in clear alignment with the 2030 Agenda and the principle of leaving no one in EVAW programming.
The proposal submitted must be aligned simultaneously to the two following Outcome areas:
Spotlight Outcome 6: Women’s and girls’ rights groups, movements and CSOs including those facing intersecting and multiple forms of discrimination, more effectively influence and advance progress on GEWE and ending VAWG, including domestic violence
WPHF Outcome 5: Ensuring that women and girls’ safety, physical and mental health and security are assured and their human rights respected, requires measures that prevent acts of violence, facilitate access to services for survivors of violence, and strengthens accountability mechanisms.
Please read through the Spotlight Tip Sheet for guidance on recommended activities for Spotlight Initiative Outcome 6 in the following link: CSOs implementation during COVID-19
Location and Duration of Grants
The provinces eligible to apply for grants are
- National Capital District;
- Morobe;
- East New Britain;
- Autonomous Region of Bougainville;
- East Sepik;
- West Sepik;
- Western Province; and
- All Highlands provinces (Enga, Hela, Southern Highlands, Western Highlands, Eastern Highlands, Jiwaka, Chimbu).
All civil society organizations can apply for a maximum of 2-year grants.
Funding streams
The Call for proposals aims at responding to the needs of local women’s organizations in fragile settings and in the context of COVID 19, with two (2) funding streams:
Funding stream 1: Institutional funding: from 2,500 USD to 30,000 USD
This funding stream will provide institutional funding to local civil society organizations working on gender specific protection issues in peace and security and humanitarian contexts, to ensure they are able to sustain themselves through the COVID-19 crisis. Prospective applicants will need to demonstrate how the current crisis affects their institutional and financial capacities and how the funding would support them through the pandemic. It will aim at financing a limited range of activities to support the development or strengthening of a CSO’s institutional capacity. The purpose of this funding stream IS NOT to finance the delivery of a programmatic activity.
Funding stream 2: Programmatic funding: from 30,000 USD to 200,000 USD
This funding stream will finance projects which aim specifically to fund programmatic activities aligned with the Spotlight Initiative’s Outcome 6 and WPHF’s Outcome 5. These projects can be designed to directly respond to the COVID 19 pandemic as long as they are aligned with these two Outcomes.
An organization can only apply one time either to one or both streams. Organizations who will apply for both streams will need to submit two applications packages based on the requirements and related templates of each stream.
Who is eligible to apply and receive funding?
International, national and local women- led, women’s rights, feminist, or civil society organizations with a proven track record working with women and girls, in PNG are eligible to apply. Grassroots and local community-based organizations are particularly encouraged to apply. Joint projects are allowed and encouraged.
To be considered a “Women’s Rights or Feminist Organization,” the organization’s official mission/vision statement must reflect its commitment to addressing multiple/intersecting forms of discrimination and advancing gender equality and women’s rights. The organization must aim to address the underlying drivers/systems/structures, including patriarchy and gendered power dynamics, those that perpetuate gender-based violence, and work to transform these.
“Women-led organization” must be headed by a woman as director/head of organization. Other CSOs must demonstrate experience in addressing violence against women and girls, gender inequalities and/or women’s rights.
Women’s funds are particularly encouraged to apply to expand the reach of the funding to a broader cross-section of civil society.
For full details on eligibility and project requirements, read the 'Call for Proposals'.